What is Solar Logos Horosocpe/
Horoscope des logos solaires ?
My mission
~Le Soleil brillant Horoscope représente le dieu solaire et le roi soleil.
~Sun shining horoscope represents the sun god and the sun king.
I am Horoscope Reading advisor,Cosmological Astorologist,
especially from the view of the Solar Logos, the deity logical statistics originated from ancinet wisodm .
The consciousness of the Sun ,
the wisdom of `Sun of god ` is most important in this Solar system. Focusing on the what your Sun means in your birth chart is most important.
I have experienced as the preventive and natural medicine advisor for a long time. Sun is always teahing us how to do the best of your ability to feed and feed back with Plus energy and avoid and prevent from the Minus energy . Now people should know who your being really are and why you are here . That is no modern educational system tells us. The Ancient Science of Awakening Consciousness is all the best ,that is the Solar logos Horoscope.
We are connected each other with the lots of particles of the cosmic space through Quatum Entaglement. Your birth chart express and deliver your mission and higher self and past time being ,and more. Your basic energy that you choose before birth is written on the astrological horoscpoe chart like geometric art. Stars knows everything who you really are in the various dimensions We should use our horoscope preventivelly and get the goal effectivelly. This is the primary and original purpose.
「 天賦の才を持つ者は、たいていは地上を見渡す高みへとたやすく駆け昇るものではなく 数多の障害を乗り越えて道を切り拓 いていく。 同時代の大衆にとっては彼はずっと無名のままであるか 辛辣に批判され、たびたび否定されるのが常である」 ピアニスト・作曲家 フランツ・リスト(1811...
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